Friday, October 8, 2010

October 8th, 2010

WOW. Where Do I start??

I don't even think it's possible to reflect on the past 2 years. There's been SO many things good and bad that have happened in my life and I honestly could write a book on it. That's not a good thing! Expecially since I try and live my life as simply as possible with no distractions. I think I should leave all the stories to actual conversation and start anew :D

I'm out at work right now and it's super quiet here. Most of the contractors working on the expansion have the weekend off so I'm part of a skeleton crew. Fun fun! I'm really looking forward to this weekend, having thanksgiving with my family and meeting Angelas brother and sister for the first time. My mom is coming out with me to Angelas parents farm outside Purdue so she's a little nervous. :) My other highlight is going for coffee with a special old, er, young looking "old" friend of mine tomorrow afternoon, lol.

Anyhoo, gotta go and look productive. I'll log in next week, monday will be quiet too...
To those I reminded that my blog is up and around again, have a great weekend and happy thanksgiving.


1 comment:

Carebear said...

nice to see you up and blogging again. Like the new template :D